Village Green 2 day car park closure
The car park area near The Abbey will be closed on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th February to allow for tree works to take place.
Published: 23 January 2025

On Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th February the parking area on The Green (near The Abbey) will be closed to enable contractors to complete tree works. Please ensure no vehicles are left there overnight on Sunday 16th February.
The planned work is: (refer to the accompanying map for references)
Area 1: Clear the power line along all parking spaces.
Sever ivy on all trees for future inspection.
Trim side branches of yew tree away from the out building at 18 The Green.
Remove dead elm trees in that area along the parking spaces.
Remove all shrubs and ivy covered dead elm to ground level from the dog bin to
the parking spaces.
Tree 2: Sycamore next to The Abbey, sever the ivy for future inspection.
Trees 3-7: Re pollard 9 horse chestnut trees on the Village Green back to the previous knuckles.
Tree 8: Remove the dead cherry tree near the War Memorial.
The Village Green is within the Conservation Area and a permit has been approved to enable the work to be completed.
There will also be tree works at the Recreation Ground although the work there will not affect the parking area or access to the facilities.