23 January 2025 - Recreation
Village Green 2 day car park closure
The car park area near The Abbey will be closed on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th February to allow for tree works to take place.
Sutton Courtenay is a village and civil parish in the Vale of White Horse district of Oxfordshire, England. It is situated on the south bank of the River Thames, 2 miles south of Abingdon-on-Thames, and 3 miles northwest of Didcot.
Monday to Thursday
The car park area near The Abbey will be closed on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th February to allow for tree works to take place.
Public notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Councillor Lyn Hodder. A vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for Sutton Courtenay Parish Council.
A new bus shelter has been installed on Milton Road, near the junction with Bradstocks Way.
The Didcot Garden Town HIF1 project would see the dualling of the A4130 carriageway from the Milton Gate Junction eastwards.
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Vice Chairman