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About the Council

About Sutton Courtenay Parish Council

Information about Sutton Courtenay Parish Council

The Parish Council is a statutory body formed in 1894 and currently comprises 11 Councillors who are elected by the registered electors of Sutton Courtenay every 4 years. A new Council was last formed in May 2015. The Council meets on a regular monthly basis, except August, and conducts its business at these meetings. It also has several working parties considering local issues and making recommendations to the Council.

The press and public are welcome to attend Council meetings but occasionally they may be asked to leave the room if confidential matters have to be discussed such as contracts or staff issues. Provision is made at each meeting for the public to address Council.


The Parish Council is a statutory consultee and is consulted by the planning authority on all developments affecting the parish and responds to all applications.


The Parish Council receives many consultation documents on local, national and government issues and responds with the local view.

Recreation Ground

The Parish Council owns the recreation ground in Old Wallingford Way and maintains the play area, multi-use games area, skatepark, teen shelter and pitches. It also owns and maintains the village green.


A new Cemetery was opened on 1st January 2000 in Old Wallingford Way and this is maintained by the Council. Interments can be arranged via the Clerk and information regarding rules and fees are also available from the Clerk.

Village Hall

The Parish Council is the Custodian Trustee of the village hall which is managed by a Hall Committee comprising representatives of the users of the hall.  The Village Hall Committee deal with all enquiries relating to the bookings and can be contacted by emailing


Agency Agreements

The Parish Council has an agency agreement with Oxfordshire County Council for the maintenance of highway verges.

Village Maintenance

The Parish Council owns notice boards, seats, bus shelters, litter bins and dog waste bins and maintains these as well as helping the County Council with maintenance of rural footpaths.


The Parish Council awards grants on an annual basis where there is benefit to some or all of the inhabitants. Further information regarding the grant application process is available from the Clerk.

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